selamat hari raya
for some reason
i could never use the word "eid"
i don't think of hari raya much of a religious event
nor do i think of it as much of a celebration
but i love the idea that it promotes
for some reason
i could never use the word "eid"
i don't think of hari raya much of a religious event
nor do i think of it as much of a celebration
but i love the idea that it promotes
of family and of societal solidarity
and i like that it's called raya
and i like that it's called raya
I only started using the word Eid here, but only to non-Malaysians. :)
I like that it promotes family and societal solidarity as well.
Selamat hari raya Faiz, and maaf zahir batin. :)
yeah, true. i guess i did use the word in melbourne (sometimes)
i think the celebration in malaysia is very special
selamat hari raya!
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